Looking east on Jackson Avenue, 1976, with Rebel Chevrolet on the left and Kiamie’s on the right....
Photo of the Week
Jimmy Buffett supposedly finished one of his books on the Faulkner “Absalom, Absalom” table. Photograph by Robert Jordan.
Ron Shapiro’s Happy Chanukuh Card from the fields. Courtesy Diane Faulkner Cawley. For experimental and medical use...
Bramlett Elementary is remembered by most for the many events and programs the teachers and moms worked...
John and William Faulkner in the yard at Memory House, photograph by Phil Mullen. (c) University of...
James Bell, back row, second from right. “While the wreck changed his life, he was not defeated....
When Three Dog Night released “Joy to the World”, it would go on to be its signature...
Rebel Drive In on Jackson Avenue Extended / Business 6. The drive-in was located approximately where Home...
Ernest Oliver’s picture of his son’s cowboy-themed birthday party at the park is a Norman Rockwell-worthy image...
C&M Package Store was a student mainstay for many semesters. And being the closest store of spirits...
Many local kids remember field trips to the dairy, and getting a free chocolate milk! For the...
“I was visiting Granny in Oxford in 1979 when B.B. King was recording his Now Appearing at...
Neilson’s has anchored The Square these many decades. It is older than any business in Oxford, and...
You had to keep an eye out for student cars coming and going at Webster’s Shop-Rite and...
As kids, we roamed through the Sardis backwaters not giving it the proper respect deserved. As adults,...
In 1892, Jim Ivy was part of the construction crew building a bridge over the Tallahatchie River...
This time it’s the smells of old Oxford that draw me, as they drew my dad and...
Up until the early 1960s, private hospitals met the local needs. Oxford Hospital and Bramlett Hospital were...
The wagons rolled in, and mules, tractors, and trucks came and went. The lent lazily floated by and...