Anthony Hervey demonstrating in Oxford, Mississippi.
While the Mississippi Highway Patrol is asking for the public’s help in the accident investigation, the Sons of Confederate Veterans are planning a full Confederate honor funeral with procession.

Oxford, Miss (TLV)–The funeral of Southern Activist Anthony Hervey will be held Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 2 pm at the First Baptist Church in Oxford, Mississippi.
Hervey died under mysterious circumstances on Sunday, July 19 in an accident on Highway 6 in Lafayette County, Mississippi that flipped Hervey’s vehicle several times. The only survivor of the accident, Arlene Barnum, told investigators and media that a car load of young black men were chasing them and forced the SUV Hervey was driving off the road.
The Mississippi Highway Patrol investigated Barnum’s claim, but found no physical evidence of a second vehicle. The MHP is now asking the public for help and is encouraging witnesses to come forward. Anyone with information concerning the crash and possible identification of an additional vehicle is asked to call (662) 563-6415.
Anthony Hervey was the author of Why I Wave the Confederate Flag: Written by a Black Man and a well-known Southern Activist and Black Confederate. He often sat at the Confederate memorial on the Oxford Square, sometimes wearing a Confederate uniform, waving a battle flag, and displaying signs with controversial statements.

He addressed crowds across the country and was returning from a Confederate history rally in Birmingham, Alabama when the accident occurred.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) are calling on Federal Attorney General Loretta Lynch to direct the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division to investigate the accident.
“We are deeply saddened by the death of a friend, and we ask that the Justice Department immediately join in this investigation,” said Kelly Barrow, Commander in Chief of Sons of Confederate Veterans. “Mr. Hervey was likely killed because of his color and his beliefs.”
The SCV are planning a full Confederate honor funeral for Anthony Hervey, including a funeral procession with flag-bearers and riflemen. Hervey’s service will take place on Sunday, August 2nd at 2 pm at the First Baptist Church in Oxford. Seven Oaks Funeral Home in Water Valley is handling the arrangements.
According to blog posts and Facebook, Southern Activists from across the country will be attending. Hervey’s funeral will likely be the largest Confederate funeral procession seen in Oxford in a century.
Related Articles:
“Death of the Black Confederate: Mysterious Circumstances Surround the Passing of Anthony Hervey” by Newt Rayburn
“Remembering Anthony Hervey” by Louis Bourgeois
“‘Black Confederate’ Anthony Hervey Funeral Procession Draws Hundreds in Oxford, Mississippi” by TLV News