The Local Voice #254
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The Local Voice #254:
May 12 – 26, 2016
World Championship Old-Time Piano Playing Contest and Festival
Get the skinny on one of the coolest events you can see in Oxford this year.
by Brittain Thompson
Seriously Old School
Read all about Water Valley’s newest theater… an old school building.
Jesse Ray Lipe
May 1, 1987 – May 5, 2016
A tribute to Oxford’s Favorite Bass Player and our friend, Jesse Ray Lipe.
Richard Zacks Signing Chasing The Last Laugh
Author to visit Off Square Books for a reading and signing of his latest novel which deals with Mark Twain’s round-the-world stand-up comedy tour. by Shelby Rayburn
Delta Dogs
A touching story dealing with man’s best friend and closest companion.
by Warren Hines
Ask A Realtor
Buying your first home? You don’t want to miss this advice from a pro.
by Amanda Wymer
Cook Of The House: Matt Noz
Know Your Bartender: Lindsay Wood
Rebs to Vie for Regional Bid in Final SEC Home Series
Get the scoop on the Rebels chance to possibly host a NCAA Regional this year.
by Alex Thiel
Local Q&A:
“What is the best concert you’ve seen?”
by TLV Staff
PLUS! Puzzles, Comix, Brain Teasers, and enough local cool stuff to keep you entertained and well-fed for the next two weeks in North Mississippi!
Puzzle solutions are in The Local Voice PDF!
Food & Drink Specials, Local Entertainment Calendar, Comix, Puzzles & Brain Teasers, Trivia, and more cool stuff to keep you entertained and well fed in the Oxford, Ole Miss, and North Mississippi area.