Grab your fishnets and lipstick, gather your props, and brush up on the “Time Warp,” because it’s time for The Rocky Horror Picture Show!
On Wednesday, October 21st, Lamar Lounge’s weekly movie night will feature the cult favorite, giving Oxford the chance to celebrate the film’s 40th anniversary. Movie night, as always, is free, and if you come dressed as your favorite Rocky Horror character on Oct. 21st, you’ll get a free shot.
Bring your props (see below) so that you can join in the fun. Rocky Horror showings are well-known for audience participation and sing-a-longs.
Everyone who’s anyone knows how to do the “Time Warp” (It’s just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right. With your hands on your hips bring your knees in tight. But it’s the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane…)
Possibly the most notorious rock opera ever produced, The Rocky Horror Show began as a stage production, written by Richard O’Brien (who also played Riff Raff both onstage and onscreen). It was an instant success in England when it premiered in 1973, later having a successful run in Los Angeles at The Roxy Theatre. When plans were made for a film version, the actors playing Frank N. Furter (Tim Curry), Columbia (Nell Thompson), Magenta (Patricia Quinn), and of course Riff Raff reprised their roles for the big screen. Americans Barry Bostwick and Susan Sarandon were cast as Brad and Janet, although Steve Martin unsuccessfully auditioned for the part of Brad.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show’s US premier occurred on September 26, 1975 at the UA Westwood in Los Angeles. Initially it was a flop, but when midnight screenings began at The Waverly Theatre in New York City the following year, a cult following was born.
Some of the regular theater-goers who attended the midnight screenings each weekend began to incorporate theatrics, transforming a standard movie experience into an elaborate event.
Fans talked back to the screen, incorporating their own lines of dialogue at key moments of the plot, and many started dressing in homemade costumes of their favorite characters from the movie. Eventually the “shadow cast” blossomed into full-on live performances simultaneous with the film cast. This fan floor show was a huge hit and evolved into a tradition that spread to theaters nationwide. Now, in its 40th straight year of continuous release, Rocky Horror holds the record for the longest theatrical release in film history.
It’s no wonder—O’Brien’s campy script has instant appeal. Star Tim Curry recalled his first encounter with the script: “I’d heard about the play because I lived on Paddington Street, off Baker Street, and there was an old gym a few doors away. I saw Richard O’Brien in the street, and he said he’d just been to the gym to see if he could find a muscleman who could sing. I said, “Why do you need him to sing?” [laughs] And he told me that his musical was going to be done, and I should talk to Jim Sharman. He gave me the script, and I thought, ‘Boy, if this works, it’s going to be a smash.’”
And now that The Rocky Horror Picture Show has smashed its way through 40 years of fanatical fun, strut over to Lamar Lounge on October 21st to make your own contribution to film history.
Don’t forget your props!!

Bubbles (wedding scene): Traditionally, this scene calls for the audience to toss rice when the newlyweds exit the church. However, those little grains could create a slip hazard (besides, who wants to clean up THAT mess?), so substitute bubbles here.
Newspaper: Cause you don’t want to mess up your hair when there’s a downpour

Water pistol: “Yes. It’s raining!”
Lighter or flashlight: To wave around rock ballad-style (“There’s a Light”)
Rubber gloves: to snap
Party favor noisemakers: <applause>
Scott toilet paper: “Great Scott!” (rumor has it that the single rolls are sold specifically for this purpose)
Toast: Frank proposes a toast at the dinner scene.
Party hat: Appropriate attire for singing “Happy Birthday”

Bell: During the song “Planet Schmanet Janet,” ring the bell with the lyric “Did you hear a bell ring?”