With 100% of precincts reporting, Republican candidates in Oxford, Mississippi Ward 2 and Ward 6 have won their elections by wide margins.
Incumbent Republican Alderman Jason Bailey won 62% of the vote, defeating Democrat Wayne Andrews, 299 to 183 in Ward 6.
First time candidate, Republican Mark Huelse won 71% of the vote in Ward 2, beating Democrat Paula Shanks, 249 to 103.
All other wards in Oxford were uncontested and won by Democrats by default. Incumbents Janice Antonow returns to Ward 3, Ulysses Howell to Ward 4, Preston Taylor to Ward 5, and John Morgan will still be Alderman-at-Large.
Democrat Rick Addy won his first full term today in Ward 1. He had previously won a special election last year after Alderman Jay Hughes vacated his position on the Board of Aldermen.
No Republican or other opposition candidates ran in Oxford’s general election.
Current Ward 2 Alderwoman Robyn Tannehill ran for Mayor of Oxford after Pat Patterson declined to run for reelection. As a Democrat, she was unopposed in the general election.
Candidates will take office on July 3, 2017.