April 24, 2021 is Independent Bookstore Day in the United States, a one-day national celebration of
independent bookstores and the invaluable services they provide to our local communities. Now
in its seventh year, the annual event encourages readers to make a visit to their local shop as a
gesture of support for indies and all that they do to serve as cultural anchors within our
A long-time patron of independent bookstores, President Obama is celebrating Independent
Bookstore Day by virtually “stopping in” to visit with six independent bookstores from around
the country: Square Books of Oxford, Mississippi; Eso Won Books of Los Angeles, California; Politics & Prose Bookstore of Washington, DC; Parnassus Books of Nashville, Tennessee; The Lit.Bar of Bronx,
New York; and Literati of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Booksellers from each store spoke with the President about
their mutual love of reading, the craft of writing, and all things books.
The video is also live on Square Books’ Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram platforms.