September 30, 2016
4 Alarms
4 Fire Department Assists
1 Motorist Assist
4 Suspicious Activity
6 Suspicious Person
4 Disturbing the Peace
1 Malicious Mischief
1 Petit Larceny
3 Improper Parking
2 Burglary of a Vehicle
1 Telephone Harassment
1 Burglary of a Residence (Old Sardis Road)
2 Civil Matters
1 Elderly Assist
1 Shoplifting
1 Trespassing
2 Reports of Lost Property
1 Reported DUI
1 Welfare Concern
1 Animal Complaint
12 Motor Vehicle Collisions
50 Traffic Citations
Obstructing Traffic and DUI
Careless Driving, No Proof of Liability Insurance and DUI
Speeding and DUI
2 Public Drunk and Possession of a Fake ID
Seatbelt Violation and Warrant Served
Careless Driving and DUI
3 Public Drunks
Driving While License Suspended
Driving While License Suspended and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
No Driving License, No Proof of Liability Insurance and DUI
Warrant Served
Indecent Exposure
Kathlyn Anderson, 18 of Oxford – False reporting of a crime
On September 28, 2016, officers with the Oxford Police Department charged Kathlyn Anderson with false reporting of a crime. Kathlyn falsely reported that her car was stolen while officers were actively pursuing it. Kathlyn admitted to conspiring with her husband so he could ditch the car during the pursuit and hopefully flee without arrest. Kathlyn Anderson was charged with false reporting of a crime and her bond was set at $5,000.
James Adams – Aggravated Assault-Domestic Violence
On Wednesday September 28, the Oxford Police Department arrested James Adams II(24 Oxford, MS.) for domestic violence-aggravated assault. The police department received a call to Taylor Bend Apartments for a male who had been stabbed with a knife multiple times. The injuries were not life threatening. The victim and suspect were at the main office at Taylor Bend when officers arrived. The victim was taken to Baptist Hospital for three stab wounds and Adams was placed into custody. Adams was given a bond of $5,000.
September 29, 2016
1 Ambulance Assist
1 Civil Matter
1 Warrant Served
3 Suspicious Vehicles
4 Reported DUI’s
3 Suspicious Activities
7 Alarms
3 Welfare Concerns
1 Noise Violation
8 Suspicious Persons
3 Shoplifting
2 Motorist Assist
Burglary of a Residence (Harris Dr)
1 Report of Lost Property
1 Improper Parking
1 Petit Larceny
1 Disturbing the Peace
11 Wrecks
33 Traffic Citations
Seatbelt Violation, Driving While License Suspended and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Warrant served
John Anderson (28) Oxford, MS
Felony Fleeing in Motor Vehicle On September 28, 2016, officers with the Oxford Police Department attempted to stop a sport utility vehicle for speeding. The vehicle failed to stop for the initiating officer and a pursuit ensued. After the pursuit began a female called 911 to report that her vehicle was stolen and it was determined that the vehicle was the one being actively pursued by law enforcement. The suspect vehicle wrecked in the Shiloh sub-division off Old Taylor Road and the driver who was later identified as John Anderson was taken into custody after a brief search on foot. The reporting person for the stolen vehicle who was identified as the wife of John Anderson later admitted to an investigator that she had contact with her husband during the pursuit and he told her to call the police and report the vehicle as stolen. The call she made constitutes her filing a false report. More charges will be filed as the investigation is ongoing. Anderson’s bond was set at $10,000.
September 28, 2016
3 Suspicious Persons
1 Suspicious Vehicle
4 Suspicious Activity
1 Domestic Disturbance
1 Welfare Concern
1 Animal Complaint
2 Fire Department Assists
2 Motorist Assists
1 Scam
2 Alarms
1 Disturbing the Peace
1 Counterfeit Currency
6 Wrecks
35 Traffic Citations
Public Drunk
No Drivers License, No Proof of Liability Insurance and DUI (wreck)
Warrant Served
September 27, 2016
4 Suspicious Activity
1 Suspicious Person
2 Domestic Disturbances
1 Shoplifting
1 Public Drunk
1 Civil Matter
3 Alarms
1 Fire Department Assist
2 911 hang-ups
1 Simple Assault
1 Welfare Concern
1 Lost Property
5 Motor Vehicle Collisions
31 Traffic Citations
Public Drunk, Fail to Comply with Officer and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
September 26, 2016
The following reports/arrests/wrecks/traffic citations are from Friday 9-23-16 (6 a.m.) through this morning at 6 a.m.
13 Alarms
2 Malicious Mischief
7 Welfare Concerns
2 Fire Department Assists
2 Suspicious Vehicles
6 Suspicious Activities
6 Suspicious Person
4 Civil Matters
13 Improper Parking
10 Reported DUI’s
3 911 hang-ups
4 Simple Assults
16 Disturbing the Peace
7 Ambulance Assists
1 Burglary of a Residence
4 Animal Complaints
4 Recovered Property
1 Motorist Assist
1 Harassing Phone Calls
1 Larceny of a Bicycle
3 Public Drunks
4 Domestic Disturbances
4 Petit Larceny
1 Burglary of a Vehicle (1800 block of Jackson Ave West)
1 False Pretense
21 Motor Vehicle Collisions
89 Traffic Citations
34 Public Drunks
1 Trespassing
4 Shoplifting
Improper Equipment and Driving While License Suspended (Implied Consent Law)
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Possession of a Schedule IV Drug
3 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Minor in Possession of Alcohol, Possession of a Fake ID, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Possession of a Schedule IV Drug and DUI
Ran Red Light and Driving While License Suspended (Implied Consent Law)
Public Drunk, Possession of a Schedule IV Drug, Possession of a Fake ID and Failure to Comply with Law Enforcement Officer
8 Minor in Possession of Alcohol (post arrest citations)
Public Drunk and Possession of Fake ID
2 Public Drunk and False Identifying Information
Driving While License Suspended, No Proof of Liability Insurance, No Tag, False Identifying Information and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
3 Careless Driving and DUI
Improper Equipment and DUI
DUI (wreck)
Public Drunk and Simple Assault
Minor in Possession of Alcohol and Public Drunk
Minor in Possession of Alcohol and Possession of a Fake ID
Wrong Way on a One Way Street, Driving While License Suspended, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and DUI
Obstructing Traffic and Minor in Possession of Alcohol
Public Drunk, Minor in Possession of Alcohol and Possession of a Fake ID
2 Public Drunk and Possession of Paraphernalia
Noise Violation (post arrest citation)
Possession of a Fake ID
Wrong Way on a One Way Street and DUI
Wrong Way on a One Way Street, Minor in Possession of Alcohol and DUI
2 Public Drunk and Disorderly Conduct
Public Drunk, Disorderly Conduct and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Speeding, No Proof of Liability Insurance and DUI
Speeding, Failure to Yield and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
September 23, 2016
3 Disturbances
4 Illegally Parked Cars
Malicious Mischief
Complaint of Lost Property
House Burglary – N. 11th Street
8 Alarms
Noise Violation
Reported DUI
Animal Complaint
Civil Matter
2 911 Hang Ups
Code Violation- Trash Accumulation
Harassing Phone Calls
70 Traffic Citations
10 Wrecks
Speeding & DUI
2 Public Intoxications
No Seatbelt, Expired Tag & DUI
Careless Driving, Suspended Driver’s License & DUI
4 MIPs
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Open Container
Careless Driving & MIP
Eric Lewis- Burglary
On August 21, 2016 investigators of the Oxford Police Department charged Eric Lewis (20) of Oxford, MS with one count of Auto Burglary (97-17-33) that occurred on Shiloh Drive. Lewis was spotted by witnesses in the neighborhood trying to open car doors. He was caught by officers in the neighborhood at which time they found stolen items from different cars located behind Lewis’ house. Lewis is a resident of the neighborhood. Lewis bond was set at $2,500.00
Oxford Police Department Announces Georgia Game Day Plans
OXFORD, MISS – We are looking forward to hosting Georgia fans this weekend in addition to our regular game day visitors. Our goal is to be proactive in preventing disturbances or unsafe activities; do not hesitate to contact us should the need arise.
The Double Decker busses will run from the Square to campus and back, before and during the game starting at 8:00AM. They will stop running two hours after the game is over. Fans may park at Northwest Community College and the new Oxford High School for shuttle parking and will be transported to campus. Shuttle parking lots open at 7:00AM. Shuttles will run every 10 -15 minutes depending on road restrictions until two hours post game. The Jackson Avenue Center will open at 6:00AM, and Uber will be stationed there for passenger pick-up and drop-off. Be aware of posted no parking zones. If you are unsure, call the department to verify. Vehicles will be towed from designated no parking areas.
Backpacks and track bags are not allowed on shuttles or in the stadium. Please put your valuables in the trunk and lock your cars. Be aware of hot weather conditions and stay hydrated. Official cooling stations are located in the south end zones only. If you see suspicious activity or objects, report them immediately to your closest law enforcement officer.
Before the Game: plan to arrive early as traffic is expected to be heavy, especially on Highway 6 and Highway 278. We encourage you to ride the Double Decker busses and shuttles to alleviate traffic. After the game, be cautious of police officers directing traffic at busy intersections and be aware that all traffic traveling Eastbound or Westbound on West Jackson Avenue will only be allowed to make right turns at intersections. Expect delays in traffic. Please be patient and trust that the way police officers direct traffic is to ensure optimum traffic flow. Fixed routes will continue until traffic is flowing freely.
September 22, 2016
3 911 Hang-ups
2 Suspicious Vehicles
4 Improper Parking
2 Suspicious Person
5 Alarms
2 Welfare Concerns
1 Ambulance Assist
1 Shoplifting
3 Suspicious Activities
1 Recovered Property
3 Disturbing the Peace
1 Code Enforcement – Garbage
16 Wrecks
75 Traffic Citation
Cutting Corner and Driving While License Suspended
Public Drunk and Malicious Mischief
2 DUI’s
Careless Driving, No Proof of Liability Insurance and No Driving License
Fail to Yield Right Away, Improper Lane Use and Open Container (post arrest)
Simple Assault
September 21, 2016
2 Disturbing the Peace
2 Suspicious Persons
1 Motorist Assist
3 Alarms
2 Petit Larceny
2 Recovered Property
2 Welfare Concerns
3 Ambulance Assists
1 Scam
1 Simple Assault
1 Fire Department Assist
2 Reported DUI’s
2 Malicious Mischief
1 Larceny of a Bicycle (2000 block of Anderson Rd)
1 Suspicious Activity
9 Wrecks
30 Traffic Citations
No Driver’s License, No Proof of Liability Insurance, Expired Tag and Defacing Tag (use of another person expiration sticker)
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and DUI
Public Drunk
Code Violation – Garbage Accumulation (post arrest citation)
September 20, 2016
4 Disturbing the Peace
4 Domestic Disturbances
3 Motorist Assists
8 Alarms
1 Report of Harassing Phone Calls
3 Petit Larceny
2 Welfare Concern
1 Improper Parking
3 Suspicious Activity
1 Counterfeit Currency
2 Malicious Mischief
10 Wrecks
26 Traffic Citations
Speeding, No Proof of Liability Insurance, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and DUI
Public Drunk
2 Shoplifting
September 19, 2016
9 Reported DUI’s
1 911 hang-up
1 Embezzlement
13 Alarms
7 Welfare Concerns
7 Ambulance Assists
3 Fire Department Assists
4 Assaults-Simple
9 Petit Larceny
13 Improper Parking
10 Suspicious Activities
5 Suspicious Persons
1 Suspicious Vehicle
3 Reports of Lost Property
1 Shoplifting
31 Disturbing the Peace
4 Malicious Mischief
3 Reports of Recovered Property
4 Reports of Public Drunks
1 Littering
1 Civil Matter
1 Domestic Disturbance
1 Counterfeit Currency
2 Harassing Phone Calls/Texts
2 Animal Complaints
3 Stalking
1 Theft from Motor Vehicle (North Lamar Blvd)
40 Wrecks
140 Traffic Citations
Switched Tag, No Drivers License, No Proof of Liability Insurance and DUI (wreck)
2 Shopliftings
2 Littering
2 DUI’s (wreck)
8 Open Containers
2 Careless Driving and Minor in Possession of Alcohol
3 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Minor in Possession of Alcohol and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
5 Noise Violations (post arrest citations)
35 Public Drunks
Speeding and DUI
Harassing Public Service Animal (horse) and Public Drunk
2 Disorderly Conduct-Failure to Comply and Public Drunk
Wrong Way on a One Way Street and DUI
Possession of Schedule 2 Drug
Careless Driving, Improper Equipment and DUI
No Proof of Liability Insurance and DUI (wreck)
Domestic Violence-Simple Assault
Failure to Yield Right Away and DUI
2 Careless Driving and DUI
Careless Driving, No Tag and No Drivers License
Improper Turn and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Open Container and Minor in Possession of Alcohol
September 16, 2016
4 Disturbing the Peace
3 False Pretense
1 Vehicle Burglary on Johnson Ave
6 Improper Parking
1 Suspicious Activity
4 Alarms
1 Malicious Mischief
1 Animal Complaint
2 Reported DUI’s
2 Welfare Concerns
1 Simple Assault
1 Recovered Property
1 Civil Matter
1 Petit Larceny (gas drive off)
1 Motorist Assist
1 911 Hang-up
13 Wrecks
48 Traffic Citations
Cutting Corner, No Driving License and DUI
Speeding and DUI
No Headlights and DUI
2 Public Drunks
Ran Stop Sign and DUI
Seatbelt and Minor in Possession of Alcohol (post arrest citation)
Failure to Yield and Minor in Possession of Alcohol (post arrest citation)
Speeding, Driving While License Suspended, No Liability Insurance and Warrant Served
William Naramore – Forgery
On 14 September 2016, officers with the Oxford Police Department met with representatives of Canon Motors regarding forged signatures from previous buyers regarding warranties that were fraudulently signed by one their employees. William Naramore was subsequently arrested for two counts of uttering forgery with more charges pending at the completion of the investigation by Canon Motors. The total amount of forged warranties have not been determined but it will be over several thousand dollars. Naramore was given a bond of $2,500.00
Donald Baker – Possession of Child Pornography, Promoting Prostitution and Enticement of a child to meet for sexual purpose
On Tuesday September 13th, 2016, Oxford Investigators arrested Donald Barker 26, of Oxford, MS for the above listed charges. On Tuesday morning OPD School Resource Officers were contacted by a concerned parent who found suspicious text messages on their child’s phone. The parent contacted the SRO’s who believed that Baker had intentions on coming to the Oxford High School to meet the minor for sex. SRO’s contacted our Investigators as well as Metro Narcotics to assist. Baker continued to contact the minor’s phone requesting to meet for sex. However, SRO’s were now monitoring the messages and when Baker pulled up to the school Investigators and Metro Agents took him into custody without incident. A search warrant was issued for Baker’s phone and residence. During the search a computer was seized which gave investigators evidence of Baker possessing child pornography as well as messages where he promoted a minor for prostitution. Baker has been formally charged and his bond was set at $250,000.00. The case is ongoing with more possible charges to follow.
Oxford Police Department Announces Game Day Plans
OXFORD, MISS (09-16-2016)– We are looking forward to hosting Alabama fans this weekend as well as our regular game day visitors. To ensure that everyone has a fun and safe time celebrating, we will have an increased presence in and around the downtown Square Area. Our goal is to be proactive in preventing any disturbances or unsafe activities, and as always do not hesitate to contact us should the need arise.
The Double Decker busses will run from the Square to campus and back, before the game only, starting at 9:00AM. They will not run during or after the game. Fans may park at Northwest Community College and the new Oxford High School for shuttle parking and will be transported to campus. Shuttles will run every 10 -15 minutes depending on road restrictions and will run for two hours post game. Uber will also be stationed at the Jackson Avenue Center for passenger pick-up and drop-off. Be aware of posted no parking zones, and if you are unsure call the department to verify. Vehicles will be towed from designated no parking areas.
As a reminder, backpacks and track bags are not allowed on shuttles or in the stadium. Oxford Police want to remind everyone to put valuables in the trunk and lock your cars. Please be aware of the weather conditions and prepare for possible rain and lightning. Umbrellas are not permitted in the stadium.
After the game: be cautious of police officers directing traffic in the road at the intersection of Jackson Ave. and Highway 278. All traffic traveling Eastbound or Westbound on West Jackson Avenue will only be allowed to make right turns at intersections; no one will be allowed to make a left turn crossing traffic. This will ensure the most efficient exit from the center of the city. Expect delays in traffic as everyone is leaving Oxford at once.
Please be patient and trust that the way police officers direct traffic is to ensure optimum traffic flow. Fixed routes will continue until traffic is flowing freely.
September 14, 2016
1 Suspicious Vehicle
4 Alarms
4 Suspicious Persons
2 Embezzlements
1 Petit Larceny
1 Welfare Concern
1 Domestic Disturbance
1 911 Hang-up
1 Improper Parking (parked on a yellow curb)
1 Disturbing the Peace (loud music/party)
1 Reported DUI
1 Malicious Mischief
1 Simple Assault
10 Wrecks
49 Traffic Citations
Speeding and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Speeding, Driving While License Suspended and DUI
Expired Tag, Child Restraint and Driving While License Suspended
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and DUI
Public Drunk
Minor in Possession of Alcohol (post arrest citations)
Possession of a Fake ID and DUI
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (post arrest citation)
No Driving License, No Proof of Liability Insurance and DUI
Improper Equipment and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
September 14, 2016
1 Disturbing the Peace
3 Welfare Concerns
1 Suspicious Activity
1 Suspicious Person
2 Harassing Phone Calls
1 Reported DUI
1 Credit Card Fraud
1 911 Hang-up
1 Fire Department Assist
1 Recovered Property
3 Alarms
1 Animal Complaint
1 Improper Parking
37 Traffic Citation
7 Wrecks
1 Public Drunk
3 Shoplifting
Careless Driving and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Speeding and DUI
David Moore – Forgery
On Tuesday, September 13, 2016 investigators of the Oxford Police Department served an arrest warrant on David Moore, Jr. (36) of Batesville, MS with one count of felony Uttering Forgery. On Monday, September 12, 2016 David Moore, Jr. tried to cash a check at a local bank and the clerk noticed the check looked strange and called the account holder. The account holder verified the check was a fake. Oxford Police Department was notified and arrested him while he was still inside the bank. Moore’s bond was set at $2,500.00.
Tina Moore – Forgery
On Tuesday, September 13, 2016 investigators of the Oxford Police Department served an arrest warrant on Tina Moore (28) of Batesville, MS with one count of felony Uttering Forgery. On Monday, September 12, 2016 Tina Moore cashed a check at a local bank. The account holder verified the check was a fake. After cashing the checks, Moore came to the police department to look for her husband that was arrested earlier for uttering forgery. Moore was advised that her husband was arrested for cashing fake checks. Then Moore was placed under arrest for cashing a fake checks just moments before her husband was arrested. Moore’s bond was set at $2,500.00.
The total amount that they were trying to get was almost $1,800.00.
September 13, 2016
4 Alarms
2 Malicious Mischief
1 Code Violation- Garbage
1 Code Violation- Building
1 Suspicious Person
1 Counterfeit Currency
1 Civil Matter
3 Welfare Concern
1 Credit Card Fraud
1 Suspicious Activity
1 Identity Theft
1 Recovered Property
1 Trespassing
10 Wrecks
28 Tickets
2 Noise Violations (post arrest)
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Noise Violation
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Minor in Possession of Alcohol
Anfani Thornton – Armed Robbery
On Sunday, September 11, the Oxford Police Department arrested Anfani Thornton(18 Horn Lake, MS.) for armed robbery. On September 11, a victim reported that he was robbed at gunpoint at Three Way Grocery. Thornton was identified by the victim and the victim stated that when he was robbed that Thornton took his backpack containing clothes, cellphone and a jar of alleged marijuana. Thornton was found after the robbery occurred and placed into custody. Some of the property that belonged to the victim was found in a garbage can at a different location and in the vehicle that Thornton was riding in. Thornton was given a bond of $25,000.
Leanti O’neil Thompson – Malicious Mischief
On Monday, September 12, 2016 investigators of the Oxford, MS charged Leanti O’neil Thompson (24) of Oxford with Felony Malicious Mischief. Thompson was accused of putting white powdery substance in the victim’s gas tank of her automobile. That caused significant damage to the vehicle. Thompson’s bond was set at $5,000.00.
September 12, 2016
16 Improper Parking
8 Suspicious Person
3 Simple Assaults
24 Disturbing the Peace
5 Fire Department Assists
3 Motorist Assists
2 911 Hangups
2 Vehicle Burglaries (Frontage Road)
1 Vehicle Burglary (Molly Barr Road)
3 Reported DUI’s
3 Animal Complaints
4 Petit Larceny
1 Indecent Exposure
4 Welfare Concerns
8 Suspicious Activities
17 Alarms
3 Domestic Disturbances
2 Public Drunks
2 Civil Matters
1 Harassing Phone Calls
1 Open Door
2 Ambulance Assist
3 Malicious Mischief
2 Trespassing
2 Recovered Property
1 Report of Lost Property
18 Wrecks
129 Traffic Citations
10 Public Drunks
9 Open Containers (post arrest citations)
Public Drunk and Possession of a Fake ID
1 Minor in Possession of Alcohol (post arrest citations)
Possession of a Fake ID
Expired Tag and DUI
Driving While License Suspended and Warrant Served
Minor in Possession of Alcohol and Possession of a Fake ID
Wrong Way on a One Way Street, No Drivers License, No Proof of Liability Insurance and DUI
Careless Driving, Minor in Possession of Alcohol and DUI
Disturbing the Peace (post arrest citation)
2 Careless Driving and DUI
4 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Careless Driving, Minor in Possession of Alcohol and Open Container
Failure to Yield and DUI
Wrong Way on a One Way Street and DUI
Careless Driving, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and DUI
Speeding and DUI
DUI (wreck)
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Warrant Served
September 9, 2016
3 Alarms
4 Welfare Concerns
3 Ambulance Assists
1 Animal Complaint
1 Petit Larceny
1 Domestic Disturbance
1 Disturbing the Peace
3 Suspicious Persons
1 Suspicious Activity
1 Other Agency Assist
1 Motorist Assist
2 911 hang ups
2 Reported DUI’s
1 Noise Violation
2 Improper Parking
2 Malicious Mischief
11 Wrecks
35 Traffic Citations
Careless Driving and DUI
6 Minors in Possession of Alcohol (post arrests)
6 Public Drunks
Ran Red Light, No Driving License, No Liability Insurance and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Careless Driving and DUI
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Jason Daughdrill – DUI 3rd
On Friday, September 2nd 2016, Oxford Police Officers arrested Jason Daughdrill 32, of Oxford. This was a result of a traffic stop made on the subject for Careless Driving and Driving with no Headlights. Upon further investigation it was determined that the subject was under the influence and was arrested for DUI. Bond was set at $2,500.00.
September 8, 2016
2 Domestic Disturbances
1 Disturbing the Peace
3 911 Hang ups
5 Welfare Concerns
1 Petit Larceny
1 Suspicious Person
2 Other Agency Assist
1 Shoplifting
2 Reported DUI
1 Civil Matter
1 Suspicious Vehicle
1 Malicious Mischief
1 Improper Parking
3 Alarms
11 Wrecks
66 Traffic Citations
Open Container (post arrest)
Speeding and DUI
Careless Driving and DUI
Speeding, Driving While License Suspended
Minor in Possession of Alcohol (post arrest)
Public Drunk
Public Drunk and Possession of a Fake ID
One Headlight and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Following Too Close, Driving While License Suspended (Implied Consent Law) and Warrant Served
Noise Violation (post arrest)
Seatbelt Violation and Minor in Possession of Alcohol (post arrest)
Speeding, No Liability Insurance and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
September 7, 2016
(3) Code Violations- Parking
(1) 4 Reported DUI
(3) Malicious Mischief
(2) Alarms
(1) Recovered Property
(1) Improper Parking
(1) Welfare Concern
(2) Suspicious Person
(4) Suspicious Activities
(2) Reports of Theft
(2) Scams
(1) Disturbing the Peace
(1) Civil Matter
(21) Traffic Citations
(12) Wrecks
(1) Public Drunk
September 6, 2016 (Labor Day weekend)
13 Suspicious Activities
2 Reports of Littering
14 Alarms
10 Welfare Concerns
5 Simple Assaults
2 Domestic Disturbances
14 Disturbing the Peace
6 Malicious Mischief
2 Civil Matters
3 Other Agency Assists
3 Animal Complaints
1 Report of Public Drunk
8 Reported DUI
3 Recovered Property
3 Suspicious Vehicles
1 Motorist Assist
3 Petit Larceny
2 Suspicious Persons
1 Report of Lost Property
1 Auto Burglary (Old Taylor Rd)
7 Improper Parking
1 911 Hang up
1 Burglary of a Residence (Hathorn Rd)
1 Code Violation- Parking
241 Traffic Citations
19 Wrecks
13 Public Drunks
Seatbelt Violation, Suspended Driving License, No Liability Insurance and DUI
2 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
3 Careless Driving and DUI
Speeding, Suspended Driving License and Warrant Served
Suspended Driving License and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Careless Driving, Possession of a Schedule 4 Drug and DUI
Littering (post arrest)
Public Drunk and Possession of a Fake ID
Careless Driving, Possession of a Schedule 2 Drug and DUI
Public Drunk and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Careless Driving, Suspended Driving License and DUI
DUI (wreck)
Possession of Schedule 3 Drug
Open Container
Seatbelt, No Liability Insurance, No Driving License and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Possession of a Fake ID
Careless Driving, Suspended Driving License, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Careless Driving, One Headlight, Suspended Driving License, Speeding and DUI
Noise Violation
Noise Violation and DUI
Public Drunk and Disorderly Conduct- Failure to Comply with Law Enforcement Officer
Careless Driving, No Headlights, Suspended Driving License, No Liability Insurance and DUI (felony)
Possession of a Schedule 2 Drug and Public Drunk
Warrant Served
Minor in Possession of Alcohol
Improper Equipment and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Ran Stop Sign, No Liability Insurance and No Driving License
Speeding, Careless Driving, Leaving the Scene of Accident, Fail to Yield Emergency Vehicle, Ran Red Light, Suspended Driving License, No Liability Insurance and DUI
Zakira Norman (19 of Oxford) Jalen Miller (22 of Oxford)
On September 2, 2016, Officers responded to Campus Creek Apartments for a report of an armed robbery. During the investigation it was determined that the victim was meeting up with a male and female to buy illegal narcotics. The victim was robbed at gun point and subsequently “pistol whipped” with his own firearm that was then stolen from him. Investigators were able to obtain an address for a possible suspect and make contact with a male and female fitting the description at Campus Walk which resulted in the stolen firearm being found in the back part of a toilet inside the apartment. Both suspects were taken into custody and taken to the Lafayette County Detention Center. Their bond was set at $100,000 each.
Christopher Hogue (50) of Oakland, MS
On Friday, September 2, 2016 investigators of the Oxford Police Department charged Christopher Hogue (50) of Oakland, MS with 2 counts of Felony Shoplifting (97-23-93). Christopher Hogue shoplifted from Wal-Mart on two separate occasion. Once on January 20, 2016 and once on February 3, 2016. A warrant was issued after the incidents and officers were able to serve the warrant on the 2nd. Christopher Hogue bond was set at $15,000.00.
September 2, 2016
3 Alarms
2 Suspicious Activities
2 Suspicious Vehicles
2 Disturbing the Peace
1 Report of a Scam
1 Disorderly Conduct
1 Domestic Disturbance
2 Petit Larceny
4 911 hang ups
3 Improper Parking
1 Code Violation- Parking
1 Fire Department Assist
1 Motorist Assist
1 Suspicious Person
1 Reported DUI
1 Report of Public Drunk
40 Traffic Citations
12 Wrecks
Public Drunk and Resisting Arrest
Excessive Speed and DUI
Careless Driving and DUI
Careless Driving, Possession of a Fake ID and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Wrong Way on a One Way and DUI
Public Drunk and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Public Drunk
Careless Driving, Possession of a Fake ID and DUI
Speeding (school zone), Expired Driving License and DUI
Charles Nalley 25 of Oxford – Burglary & Possession of Stolen Property
On August 29th the Oxford Police Department responded to a house burglary that had just occurred. When officers arrived they spoke with 3 females who stated they were home when a male broke in and started going through the house. Two of the victims hid in a closet while the other was still asleep. The suspect woke the victim sleeping and she was able to give a description. Officers then began searching for the suspect which lead them to a house in the county. They were able to identify Charles Nalley and confirmed it through the victims. Nalley was also in possession of stolen property (electronics, guns and other items) from other thefts. Nalley was taken before Judge Mickey Avent for his Initial Appearance and his bond was set at $20,000.00.
September 1, 2016
1 Malicious Mischief
3 Alarms
4 Disturbing the Peace
1 Harassing Phone Calls
1 Shoplifting
1 Code Violation- Junk Vehicles in Yard
1 Code Violation- Garbage Accumulation
2 Code Violations- Building
4 Suspicious Activities
1 Complaint of Lost Property
2 Welfare Concerns
1 Reported DUI
2 Motorist Assist
1 Recovered Property
1 Peeping Tom on Old Sardis Rd
1 Burglary on Anderson Rd
2 Simple Assaults
1 Improper Parking
1 Parking in Handicap
1 911 Hang-up
34 Traffic Citations
7 Wrecks
2 Shoplifting
Excessive Speed & DUI
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Fake ID
Shameek Thomas- Strong Arm Robbery
On Wednesday, August 31, 2016 investigators of the Oxford Police Department charged Mr. Shameek Thomas (21) Sardis, MS with one count of Robbery.
On Sunday, August 28, 2016 officers of the Oxford Police Department responded to Wal-Mart Super Center for a robbery. The suspect fled the scene in an automobile before the victim made a call to Oxford Police Department. The victims stated that Thomas approached her and asked to use her cellphone as she was about to hand it to him Thomas reached and jerked her purse from her and ran. He had a car nearby and fled the scene. During the investigator it was determined that Shameek Thomas was the suspect of the robbery. No weapon was used and no one was injured. Thomas was booked on Robbery and his bond was set at $15,000.00.
Previous Oxford, Mississippi Crime Reports:
August 2016
July 2016
June 2016
May 2016
April 2016
March 2016
February 2016
January 2016
December 2015
November 2015
October 2015
September 2015
August 2015
July 2015
June 2015
May 2015
April 2015
March 2015
February 2015
January 2015