USDA extended flexibilities in its Summer Food Service Program through June 30, 2021, to allow schools and other sites to continue to provide meals at no cost to all children. The department previously extended free meals through December 2020, based on funding available at the time, but was now able to extend throughout the entire 2020-2021 school year thanks to language in the continuing resolution signed into law by President
Trump on Oct. 1, 2020.
Lafayette County School Food Service announces that we continue to distribute free meals at the request of the USDA. All meals are “Grab and Go”. These meals are intended for those children ages 1 – 18 years old. Each “Grab and Go” meal is free of charge and consists of 1 breakfast meal and 1 lunch meal.
Buses are being sent to 3 different locations:
Abbeville Baptist Church
Anchor Baptist Church
Taylor Grocery parking lot
These busses will be at these locations from 9:00 am – 11:00 am, Monday through Friday, beginning Monday, September 21 – May 25, 2021.
Lafayette Upper Elementary 3/4 School Cafeteria will be our fourth location distributing the “Grab and Go” meals. Interested persons should go to the Old Elementary Cafeteria (on the Hwy 6 side where you drop off and pick up car riders). Do not get out of your car, we will come to you. We will serve at this location from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, Monday through Friday, September 21 – May 25, 2021.
Again, these meals are intended for ALL children ages 1 -18. Parents may pick up meals for ALL children in their household. Children do not need to be present to receive these meals.
For more information on our Schools: www.gocommodores.org