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The Local Voice #252
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The Local Voice #252:
April 14 – 28, 2016
Double Decker 2016:
Double Decker Festival Returns to Oxford April 22-23
Find out what this year’s Double Decker has in store for Oxford
by Chris Butts
Double Decker Music Lineup
This year’s Double Decker music line up features local and national acts and we’ve got the rundown.
by TLV staff
10 Years of The Local Voice Double Decker Issues
Take a gander at the last ten years of The Local Voice Double Decker covers
by Newt Rayburn
Double Decker Vendor Map
Find out where all the food vendors will be so you can grab some classic Oxford cuisine
by TLV Staff
Eco-Fashion Show 1992
Local Designer Jeffery Markese Peavy launches his career in fashion with a collection inspired by his grandmother.
by Brittain Thompson
Plant with Caution
Not every plant belongs in every yard, read what to grow and what to avoid for the safety of your children, animals, and property
by Shelby Rayburn
The Local Voice Celebrates Ten Years of Crunching Deadlines and Spreading Ink
Publisher Newt Rayburn and Editor-in-Chief Nature Humphries talk about the early days of the paper and how much it has grown.
by Brittain Thompson
On Confederate Heritage Month
A writer’s response to a student’s request for unbiased materials she could read to learn about the Confederacy.
by Gaetano Catelli
Local Artist Lowdown: Frank Estrada
Ask a Realtor with Amanda Wymer: Can I buy a house in Oxford?
Local Sport Shorts
by Alex Thiel
Local Q&A:
“What were you doing 10 years ago?”
by TLV Staff
Food & Drink Specials, Local Entertainment Calendar, Comix, Puzzles & Brain Teasers, Trivia, and more cool stuff to keep you entertained and well fed in the Oxford, Ole Miss, and North Mississippi area.