An independant film, Scars, is seeking to cast four leads. Send headshots and resumes to thescarsfilm@gmail.com. Video auditions will be accepted until noon on Friday, August 25th. Live auditions will be on Saturday, August 26, by appointment only, in Oxford, Mississippi. Feel free to email if you have any questions.
SPENCER – male. 18-25. A young college student conflicted with identity issues begins to struggle with who he is and who he wants to be.
NICK – male. 18-25. He gives off a strong appearance, but has an internal sensitivity. He meets with his friends after suffering from a recent breakup and is resistant with sharing his feelings.
ANDY – male. 18-25. A med student, perfect scores in all of his classes and an intelligent individual that seems to have the knowledge that Spencer needs about relationships. However, he struggles with taking his own advice.
HAILEY – female. 18-25. An employee at the local coffee shop that Spencer, Andy and Nick hangout at. She has her own goals and ambitions in life, not giving time to the drooling guys around her.