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The Local Voice #259
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The Local Voice #259:
July 21 – August 4, 2016
Pokemon Go Stirs Up Local Business, Fitness, & Community
Find out how this new augmented reality game is taking the world by storm and its impact on Oxford
by Chris Butts
Arter Limits Fringe Fest August 11–14
The three-day festival is back again to promote new artists and emerging performances
by Barney Thompson
Oceans Divide Us
Warren Hines laments the differences between cultures and what it means for society.
by Warren Hines
SPORK Brings Sustainability to Oxford
SPORK is a new program by Sustainable Oxford that promotes green practices in Restaurants
by Barney Thompson
Six Rebels Qualify for the Rio Olympics
Find out which Rebels made it into the Rio Olympics
by Ole Miss Sports
Local Artist Lowdown: Sarah Hammond
Local Musician Spotlight: Kit Thorn
Local Q&A:
“Where’s the strangest place you’ve caught a pokemon?”
by The Local Voice Staff
Food & Drink Specials, Local Entertainment Calendar, Comix, Puzzles & Brain Teasers, Trivia, and more cool stuff to keep you entertained and well fed in the Oxford, Ole Miss, and North Mississippi area.