Mountains and DesireMargret GrebowiczRepeater Books ($14.95) – Available at Square BooksClick here to order Mountain climbing, when...
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Death and So Forthby Gordon LishDzanc Books ($24.95)Available at Square Booksclick here to order Longtime former editor...
Two Lines Press ($16.95); Available April 12; preorder at Square Books Masatsugu Ono’s latest novel, At the...
did I tell You What Happened? by elzPublished by Quasar In literature as well as life, there...
Tarriona “Tank” Ball signs and reads from her debut poetry collection Vulnerable AF at Off Square Books on Tuesday,...
Bobby Rush takes the stage at Harrison’s at 9:15 pm Two-time GRAMMY award winner Bobby Rush will...
The new memoir by Chancellor Emeritus Robert Khayat, 60: A Year of Sports, Race & Politics (Nautilus,...
In 1960, at the age of twenty-two, Robert Khayat’s future could not have looked brighter. He was...
Join Amy C. Evans and Martha Hall Foose on Tuesday, July 27 for a pop up signing at the Oxford Community Market (OXCM) in celebration of...
With summer officially started, outdoor events will provide a much-needed opportunity to get back to the activities...
April 24, 2021 is Independent Bookstore Day in the United States, a one-day national celebration ofindependent bookstores...
Join Square Books on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 – 5:30pm for an evening of conversation between author...
De’Shawn Charles Winslow and Christian Garduno honored this year A debut fiction writer and a poet are...
Analog Sea, an “offline” independent publisher based in Austin, Texas, is delighted to announce the release of...
Crossroads Book Group: Jemar Tisby for How to Fight Racism Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 5 pm...
*This is a ticketed event. Admission is $5 or purchase of book.* Acclaimed columnist and author Charles...
Jerry Mitchell in conversation with Reena Evers-Everette – Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 5:30 pm CST on Zoom ...
Michael Bible in conversation with William Boyle – Monday, January 11, 2021 at 5 pm on Zoom Join...
Dwight Garner in conversation with Richard Howorth for Garner’s Quotations Thursday, November 12th at 5 pm CST...
Kiese Laymon in conversation with Reverend Carolyn Coleman for How to Slowly Kill Yourself & Others in...