Coming Soon- Garden Orientation: Saturday, March 21, 1:00 p.m.
For all plot holders, new and returning: this is a fun event at which new gardeners can meet with experienced gardeners, learn how the OCGA works, and get acquainted with your new plot (if you haven’t already). If we each have a little knowledge, then together we have a lot. Come and join the discussion!
Coming Next- Seed and Plant Swap: Saturday, April 4th, 11:00 a.m.
Your plot seemed really big when you were digging out the weeds. Now you are ready to plant, and there’s just too much to fit. You have those extras from your six-pack of arugula, and you started a few too many tomato plants on top of the refrigerator. What will you do with the extra seeds and plants? Don’t compost those little guys; bring them to the plant swap to share with everyone else. This way, we can all try a new plant, tucked into a spare corner of the garden, or even into a pot at home. Also, this is a great time for non-members to visit the garden, see what we’re about, and consider getting their own plot! So, please bring or invite a friend who does not already have a plot.
Click here to download the full Oxford Community Garden Newsletter for March 2015.