Square Books Jr.
111 Courthouse Square – 662.236.2207 – squarebooks.com/junior
Saturday, October 12 at 10 am
LAURIE FISHER reads from & signs
Where Do They Go On Game Day? – The Story of the Squirrels Who Live in The Grove
We go to The Grove on Game Day to tailgate in style and hope for the Rebels to win. But what about the squirrels of Oxford who live in The Grove? Where do they go when their home is overrun with people and tents?
It is a question many have asked but few can answer…until now!
Join the squirrels one fall Saturday as they escape the crowds and take a squirrelly jaunt about Oxford to discover new places and old history.
(LIKE on Facebook: facebook.com/RebelSquirrels) <–Visit the “photos” on this FB page to see the amazing artwork in this book!
TLV thinks this is perhaps one of the cutest kids’ books ever! Get your copy signed this Saturday at Square Books, Jr.!