The Yoknapatawpha Arts Council & Visit Oxford invite you to experience a weekend of Faulkner in Oxford!
The event kicks off with the annual Bitters & Bites Cocktail class: the literary edition on Thursday, October 10. The main event includes a flash writing contest where participants are tasked with producing a short piece of work using their Faulkner-related topic. Other activities for the weekend include exclusive tours of the new Rare Square Books with Richard Howorth, A Faulkner Graveside Toast, a Pipe Class with Spring Street Cigars, a High Cotton Bourbon Class, a Faulkner Scavenger Hunt and the 70th anniversary screening of Intruder in the Dust.
Participants in the flash writing contest will be given a topic either in person or via email at 10 am on Friday, October 11, 2019. The location for the topic reveal and contest kick off is the Chancellor’s House.
Contestants will write a narrative nonfiction or essay between 800 and 1,200 words inspired by Mississippi. Submission may include a high resolution photo that compliments the submission.
This is not a faux Faulkner contest. Participants do not need to emulate Faulkner’s style, settings, or characters. Participants are invited and encouraged to attend other literary events happening throughout the weekend!
Flash Faulkner Writing Contest sponsored by Oxford Magazine
- Write a story inspired by Faulkner’s Mississippi. Topic released day of event with deadline to submit of Saturday, October 12, at 6 pm.
- Winning narrative nonfiction and essay submissions will be published in the Oxford Magazine.
- All submissions must be between 800 and 1,200 words in length
- $5 on site submission / $10 remote writing contest
- Sign up online here!

Thursday, October 10, 2019
- Off Square Books: Thacker Mountain Radio (6 pm, free)
- Powerhouse: Bitters & Bites Cocktail Class featuring literary cocktails by Ivy McLellan and Joseph Stinchcomb (7 pm, $60) Tickets on sale here! – limited to 60 people
Friday, October 11, 2019
- Chancellor’s House: Cofield Collection – Reading Room Preview with Clifton Clements Odom (9:30 am, free)
- Chancellor’s House: Flash Faulkner Writing Contest Pep Talk featuring tips from Neil White of Nautilus Publishing with Bloody Marys by Cathead Vodka (10 am, free)
- University of Mississippi Museum: Pop Up Faulkner Exhibit with works by William Faulkner’s brother and mother (10 am–4 pm, free)
- Bailey Woods Trail (entrance at the University Museum): Self-Guided Walking tour with signage about Faulkner and Rowan Oak (10 am–4 pm, free)
- Rare Square Books: Rare Square Tour with Richard Howorth; tour the new Rare Square Books store and see 1st edition books from Faulkner and other Mississippi writers (2 pm, free) – limited to 20 people
- Rowan Oak: Rowan Oak tour with Curator Bill Griffith (4 pm, $5 per person)
- St. Peter’s Cemetery: Faulkner Graveside Toast sponsored By Cathead Vodka‘s Old Soul (sunset)

Saturday, October 12, 2019

- Rowan Oak: Rowan Oak tour with Curator Bill Griffith (4 pm, $5 per person)
- Oxford Square & The Local Voice #337: Find Faulkner Scavenger Hunt sponsored by The Local Voice; little paper Faulkners will be hidden around the Square so see if you can find them all! Plus Faulkner will be hidden in the pages of The Local Voice #337 to be published October 3; win signed first edition books! (10 am–4 pm, free)
- Oxford Square Statue: Faulkner Photos; dress like and take a photo with Faulkner
- Spring Street Cigars: Pipe Class with discounts for on product for those who attend (1 pm, free)
- Rare Square Books: Rare Square Tour with Richard Howorth; tour the new Rare Square Books store and see 1st edition books from Faulkner and other Mississippi writers (2 pm, free) – limited to 20 people
- Spring Street Cigars: High Cotton Bourbon Class sponsored by Four Roses and High Cotton Wine and Spirits; 21 + ID required (4 pm, free) – limited to 30 people
- Wonderbird Spirits (Taylor): Story Submission Cocktail Hour & Literary Event; Submit your story for a free cocktail with literary readings from The Oxford Comma (6 pm)
Sunday, October 13, 2019
- Chancellor’s House: Sunday Brunch (11 am–3 pm)
- Rowan Oak: Rowan Oak tour with Curator Bill Griffith (1 pm, $5 per person)
- Chancellor’s House Red Carpet Ballroom: Intruder in the Dust 70th Anniversary Celebration (5 pm, free)
- The Oxford Growler: 5th Annual Bratoberfest featuring the stein-holding contest and awards for best lederhosen (3–9 pm, $15, or show your Literary Bit of Flash Faulkner registration to receive a buy one, get one free VIP ticket, includes brat, potato salad, and first beer)
Monday, October 14, 2019
- Chancellor’s House: Old Oxford Addition opening reception and talk by John Cofield (5:30 pm, free)
- Chancellor’s House: The Cofield Collection
- The Coop at the Graduate: The Oxford Comma Creative Writing Group; a chance for new and experienced writers to read their work (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, lyrics, etc.) and get feedback (8–10 pm, free)