Nathan Murray brings research excellence, family history to position by Erin Garrett For Nathan Murray, being named...
National Center for Physical Acoustics
Second annual symposium brings more than 100 businesses from 15 states A thriving commercial industry is the...
Garrison creates endowment honoring late husband, Richard Raspet, challenges others to give Wendy Garrison is honoring her...
Alumni, friends contribute more than $11.5 million to support programs, scholarships When the last online donation came...
Elsie Buskes to publish essay, be recognized at March symposium The Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society has selected a...
Doctoral student uses noninvasive method to determine species found on reefs Grunts, purrs, barks and knocks – it may...
Method uses tornadoes’ unique sound for detection and tracking Tornado season in the South means increased anxiety,...
Two researchers at the University of Mississippi‘s National Center for Physical Acoustics are battling sea turtle endangerment with an...
PASS 2022 features four days of lectures, discussions and demonstrations Graduate and postgraduate students from four countries...
Project aims to develop method to control fluids in zero gravity using sound waves A device that...