The Local Voice #159 is out now!
June 28 – July 12, 2012
The Local Voice #159 is out now! June 28 – July 12, 2012
PDF: http://www.thelocalvoice.net/LocalVoice-PDFs/TLV-159-web.pdf
Food & Drink Specials + Entertainment
from Oxford’s Favorite Restaurants!
Happy 175th Birthday Oxford! Oxford Downtown Council to Host Summer Fest Saturday, June 30, 2012.
Sidewalk sale, family-friendly activities, petting zoo, and more! Don’t miss the celebrity dunking booth where you will have the chance to dunk Ross Bjork, Brad Mayo, Cambino, and other local notables.
“Where’s Waldo?”
Waldo, hero of beloved books, Where’s Waldo?, is celebrating his 25th anniversary by visiting local businesses throughout the month of July. Can you find Waldo in local Oxford businesses this month? Also, try to find Waldo throughout the pages of The Local Voice for the chance to win prizes!
Summer Road Trip Series: “Local Girls Visit North Mississippi Fish Hatchery, and you should, too!”
by Sarah Reddick. On the edge of Lake Enid sits an educational wonderland where Mississippi fish are bred and hatched to help stabilize our state’s freshwater supplies and ecosystems.
“Drifters’ Place: Saving Dogs Every Day”
Interview with Stephanie Mitchell, by Sarah Reddick
The Christian Agnostic. “A Gentle Whisper,”
by Brandon Michael Williams. A new column exploring modern spirituality.
“A Broad Abroad: Local Girl Visits The U.K.” by Sarah Reddick.
TLV adventurer and O.G. Sarah Reddick traveled to the UK in March of this year. What sort of shenanigans could possibly happen? Read the “Conclusion: London.”
“Ole Miss’ Academic ‘Health’ Gets Yearly Checkup: APR Time.”
Last week, the Academic Progress Rates (APRs) of the SEC member institutions and their individual sports were released. How does Ole Miss compare to other SEC schools?
by Red Cup Rebellion.
Record of the Issue: Tav Falco’s Panther Burns, Behind the Magnolia Curtain, by Wallace Lester.
Who’s Your Farmer? Georgeanne Ross, “Oxford’s Original Grit Girl.” by Sarah Reddick. Photos by Newt Cooter Rayburn.
Know Your Bartender: Katherine Montague of Ajax Diner. by Rebecca Long.
Cook of the House: Nathan Leech of Snackbar. by Rebecca Long.
Vera: “My First Everything: Coupons”. by Vera P.
Local Q&A: “Who’s Your Favorite Oxford Personality?” by Sarah Reddick.
Notable Events in Oxford History: A timeline of significant happenings in the Velvet Ditch.
Oxford Trivia: How much do you know about Oxford?
Cover by Newt Cooter Rayburn
Food & Drink Specials, Local Entertainment Calendar, Comix, Puzzles & Brain Teasers, Trivia, and more cool stuff than you can shake a stick at!