The second Pop Up Oxford will kick off Saturday, January 20, and continue through Saturday, January 27, with events and programs celebrating Oxford’s rich cultural scene.
Pop Up Oxford was born through the idea of a Chautauqua, an adult education movement that began at the beginning of the 20th century and brought together culture and entertainment in various formats including lectures, events and programs. Pop Up Oxford will encompass the idea of the Chautaqua movement by hosting various events, speakers, exhibits and musical components.
“Visit Oxford is excited to collaborate with so many different organizations and events to bring people to Oxford during an otherwise slow time of year. Pop Up Oxford highlights so many different things that Oxford has become known for culturally and offers something for everyone,” said Director of Visit Oxford, Mary Allyn Hedges.
The week-long cultural celebration will begin with the Small Hall Songwriter’s Concert featuring live performances by various musicians and a cash prize at 1107 Van Buren (Steve McDavid Law Firm). On Sunday, January 21 the Hotel Hop will run from 5 pm-9 pm making stops at Graduate Oxford, Courtyard Marriott, The Inn at Ole Miss, and Chancellor’s House for tapas and drinks with transportation provided by the Double Decker Bus. To purchase tickets for this event click here.
“Pop Up Oxford is going to be a great event reminding everyone of all the amazing things Oxford has to offer. With the Hotel Hop to kick off the week, we look forward to showing tourists and residents in the area what incredible hotels we have. Every hotel has something unique to feature and we look forwarding to sharing that,” said Nadia Thornton, Assistant General Manager for The Inn at Ole Miss.
The Southern Foodways Alliance will host a party On Monday, January 22, in conjunction with the newly released Guide to Cocktails book by Sara Camp Milam, managing editor at the Southern Foodways Alliance, and Jerry Slater at Big Bad Breakfast from 6:30 pm-8 pm. The cocktail books will be available for purchase at this event, and Sara Camp Milam will give a brief history of rum, its distillation process, and its role in drinks both classic and contemporary. Rum cocktails as well as featured dips in the book will be served. Tickets can be purchased here.
Pop Up Oxford will continue on Tuesday, January 23 with the free monthly Oxford Art Crawl from 6 pm-8 pm ending at the Powerhouse with a Day for Art Party. Sponsored by Cathead Vodka, this event will feature the inaugural Oxford Art Awards recognizing the contribution of local artists and cultural organizations. There will be live performances by local musicians, authors, and performing artists, plus a chance to win a year of art event tickets. A donation of $10, which will support local art agencies, reserves a VIP ticket to the Day for Art Party with complimentary cocktails and treats.
On Wednesday, January 24, world-renowned tapestry and rug weaver, Mary Zicafoose will give a lecture at the University Museum at 6 pm with a reception to follow. Zicafoose’s tapestries and rugs span the globe from the corporate offices of Tenaska in Canada to the United States Embassies on three continents. Her woven pieces blend cultural icons and symbols with a contemporary hand, creating powerful visual statements in fiber. The work and processes are a reflection of the artists’ superb craftsmanship and her ability to speak articulately through the use of color. Zicafoose’s work is on display at the University Museum until February 3.
Also on Wednesday, January 24, the national tour of The Sound of Music will perform at the Ford Center for the Performing Arts at 7:30pm. Tickets are available by calling the Ford Center at 662-915-7411 or fordcenter.org.
The week culminates with the Fiber Arts Festival kicking off on Thursday, January 25, through Saturday, January 27. This year marks the 8th Annual festival complete with a market preview Thursday, January 25, from 3 pm–5:30 pm at the Powerhouse followed by an opening reception at 5:30 pm

A demonstration and talk with Zicafoose at the Powerhouse begins at 9 am on Friday, January 26. The Fiber Arts Festival classes will run from 10 am–6 pm including the Fiber and Yarn Swap beginning at 11 am. Friday ends with an evening reception at Oxford Treehouse Gallery.
On Saturday, January 27, the Fiber Arts Festival Market will run from 10:00am to 5:00pm at the Powerhouse.
Said Andi Bedsworth, Oxford Fiber Arts Fest coordinator, “We are so pleased that our eighth annual Oxford Fiber Arts Festival is being offered as part of Pop Up Oxford. With 16 vendors from eight states, 28 classes, children’s activities, lectures and receptions offered to celebrate traditional and modern fiber arts, there is sure to be something appealing to all ages.”
Pop Up Oxford rounds out the week on Saturday, January 27 from 12:00pm-4:00pm with tours at Splinter Creek, a new community located 10 miles west of Oxford where the homes are designed to blend seamlessly into the landscape. Splinter Creek’s architect will be on hand as well as bonfire to enjoy. In addition to the tours at Splinter Creek, Malpaso Dance Company, based in Havana and founded by Osnel Delgado, will perform at the Ford Center for the Performing Arts at 7:30pm. Prior to their performance, there will be a Pre-Show Reception at 6:30pm with entertainment by the UM Faculty Jazz Quintet.
Participating hotels will be offering a discount to their regularly priced rooms to encourage visitors to come and enjoy many of these events. Hotels will offer 10% off of a one-night stay, 15% off of a two-night stay and 20% off of a three-night stay. Mention “Pop Up Oxford” when booking.
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