Melanie Addington was voted Oxford’s favorite filmmaker in the 2018 Townies. We had a brief chat about her time in the Oxford film community.
How has it been watching the film community grow in Oxford?
I think the strength of Oxford is that it supports the arts and great filmmakers have emerged from here and people willing to try filmmaking as a way to tell a story have taken chances here. When I moved here only a couple people were making movies here and now it seems like so many people are making music videos, short films, documentaries, or even working in film around the state. I can’t wait to see what happens with the new film major at the university and how that will impact even more growth!
What has been your favorite part of running the Film Festival?
Absolutely my favorite part is discovering new filmmakers and getting to introduce them to Oxford.
What is one film you think everyone has to see?
That is literally the hardest question ever asked. Maybe Godfather or Citizen Kane or Do The Right Thing, but then again maybe The Room to really appreciate what it takes to make a good film, or not.
What advice to you have to those looking to get involved in Film, especially in smaller markets like Oxford?
Just get out and make a film. Don’t wait for the perfect script or a ton of pay. Tell the stories you love. Take your iPhone and grab some friends and head to the Square and make a movie. Keep going and the longer you try at making movies, the closer you will get to the vision in your head being what is seen on screen.