Oxford bartender Joe Stinchcomb recently became…a LEGO. That’s right, Joe is part of the first line of the 2021 LEGO Bartender Collection. We reached out to LEGO Joe Stinchcomb for an exclusive interview about his existence, ambitions, and newfound celebrity.
Do you prefer “Joe” or “Joseph”?
I prefer Joe, but my mom says its unprofessional to go by my nickname.
How are you enjoying your newfound existence?
Honestly, It’s really cool. I never would have thought in a million years that I would be a LEGO. Talk about bragging rights.
Have you made any new LEGO friends?
I have made tons to new LEGO friends. Just the other day I was hanging out with LEGO Harry Potter and LEGO Luke Skywalker.
Walk us through a day in the life of LEGO Joe.
I wake up with slight back pain from laying on a brick all night. I put on my pants/shoe combo and head out. I visit my local watering hole, which is around the block. I see some of LEGO friends, then I go to work serving some of the best drinks in LEGO land.
Have you traveled to any LEGO Worlds recently? If not, where are the top places you’d like to visit?
I saw the Bionicles! I haven’t seen them since I was a little LEGO boy.
Have you watched any of the LEGO movies yet? Who are your favorite characters?
I have! I really like LEGO Batman and Green Lantern.
What are your ambitions? Do you plan to start your own LEGO bar anytime soon?
Hopefully sometime in the near future, I’ll have enough stacked to build my own bar. Until then come see LEGO Joe at Saint Leo.
You’re part of the first line of LEGO Bartenders. Whom else would you like to see join the ranks of the LEGO bartenders?
I would love to see some of my idols become LEGOs like Ashtin Berry or Tiffany Barriere. I also think Jayce McConnell would make a killer LEGO with that mustache.
If you could have drinks with one LEGO person, past or present, who would that be? What cocktail might you mix up for that person?
I would love to have drinks with LEGO Spiderman. I would make that the meanest Manhattan he’s ever had.
As a bartender, what’s your favorite cocktail going into the warmer months of 2021?
Anything that is bright and refreshing. Strawberries are in season and are perfect to use in any drink.
Can you tell us something about human Joe Stinchcomb that readers may not know?
That he still plays with LEGOs and reads comic books. He’s still a big kid at heart.