City of Oxford, Mississippi Board of Aldermen Meeting Agenda for March 5, 2013 – 6:00 pm
- Call to order.
- Adopt the agenda for the meeting.
- Mayor’s Report.
- Authorize approval of minutes of the regular meeting on February 19, 2013.
- Authorize approval of accounts for all city departments.
- Appoint member to the School Board.
- Adopt proclamation for Disability Awareness Month.
- Adopt American Red Cross proclamation.
- Adopt resolution honoring Johnny Brown.
- Presentation from Oxford Map Company. (Neil White)
- Approve changes to local private recommended by the Reserve and Trust Committee.
- Discuss hiring of architect, Michael Jones for design of columbarium.
- Request permission to erect Historic District signs on public right-of-way. (Katrina Hourin)
- Authorize permission to apply for CLG grant Historic Preservation awards and signage. (Katrina Hourin)
- Second reading and public hearing of proposed ordinance change to Vehicles for Hire ordinance. (Tim Akers)
- Third reading and vote of proposed ordinance change establishing Entertainment Venue Bus parking. (Tim Akers)
- Authorize travel for Assistant City Planner to attend Twin States Conference in Orange Beach, AL for a cost of $953.35 on April 11-13, 2013. (Tim Akers)
- Authorize the Mayor to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with MDOT for the Sisk Avenue Transportation Enhancement Project. (Bart Robinson)
- Authorize Florence & Hutcheson to proceed with design of intersections for pedestrian signal improvements. (Bart Robinson)
- Discuss compactor repairs. (Billy Lamb)
- Request approval to re-apply for Occupant Protection Grant and Alcohol Countermeasure Grant. (Joey East)
- Request approval for Phillip Ross to be a taxi driver for Rock Star Taxi. (Joey East)
- Request approval for one officer to attend LE Sniper School from March 18-22, 2013 in Southaven, MS at the cost of $300.00. (Joey East)
- Request approval for two officers to attend the DARE DOT Training Conference from April 7-19, 2013 in Spanish Fort, AL at the cost of $3,302.00 to be paid by DARE Fund. (Joey East)
- Accept donation to the Oxford Police Mounted Patrol. (Joey East)
- Approve waiver related to release of armor. (Joey East)
- Authorize internal promotion process for Waste Collection Foreman in the Sanitation Department. (Al Hope)
- Authorize employment of a firefighter. (Al Hope)
- Authorize retirement of Johnny Brown from the Sanitation Department. (Al Hope)
- Consider executive session.