Event: “Oxford to the Ballot Box Drive-in and Open Air Screening”
Date: Monday, September 28 7:30 pm and 24/7 online
Hosts: Oxford Film Festival | Yoknapatawpha Arts Council
Entry fee: free
Deadline for submissions: Thursday, September 24 at 5 pm
Contact | Information: oxfordtotheballotbox@gmail.com
Make your voice heard! Engage in the democratic process! City of Oxford, University of Mississippi students, Lafayette County residents, and all Mississippians are invited to submit short videos and creative works to “Oxford to the Ballot Box” for online streaming and a September 28 public screening event.
“Oxford to the Ballot Box” is a community engagement project focusing on the 2020 Presidential elections. The project’s goal is to encourage thoughtful, civic discussion about the election and democracy, reflecting on the vital issues for Mississippi and the country, while providing a public forum for participants’ creative and civic expression.
Topics: Any issue that is of particular interest to you. Contact program directors at oxfordtotheballotbox@gmail.com if you have questions!
The project welcomes short videos (30 seconds to 3 minutes—contact info is below if you have a longer project to share), including candidates for “First Time Voting,” and “Your Voting Experience,” series that invite participants to remember and reflect on their [inaugural] voting experience.
Slide shows and podcasts also welcome for inclusion on the website.
Submit your video file to dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/request/pprlniP5ZQhzLGZWIpsG
If you are unable to make a video, you can arrange a Zoom interview or in-person recording at the Powerhouse. The project and Yoknapatawpha Arts Council are able to assist with technical production support , and are available to answer your questions.
Questions: oxfordtotheballotbox@gmail.com
Oxford to the Ballot Box
Yoknapatawpha Arts Council
Project beta site under construction: https://www.americanvisions2020.net/
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/americanvision5
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Oxford-to-the-Ballot-Box-101765244993696

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